We are a large-scale gold dealer with international trade approval the local trade and market approval for small-scale dealers. Following statutory-certified terms and conditions, we do not entertain unregistered brokers and local representatives unless government agencies due to product hijackers and safety tips from Ghanaian immigration and national security.
Our cash and carry deal are simple and secure. The buyer will visit our corporate office in Accra, Ghana, under invitations for product inspection and an assay test at Gold Refinery.
Upon confirmation of the product’s quality, purity, and percentage of gold, the buyer will pay 100% to the seller’s corporate account, and upon the seller’s confirmation of the payment to the seller’s account, he will immediately release the product and all legal title documents to the buyer as the new owner.
The price is dependent on FCO/SPA, and the minimum quantity is 15 kg with a maximum quantity of 50 kg.
Contract Duration: (One Off)
The bank payment guarantee is for bunk buyers, financial institutions, and the top investors. The buyer will be required to issue bank instruments (SBLC, LC, DLC, or BLOCK FUNDS) from a top global-rated bank to our finance manager.
Upon confirmation of the instrument validation, Sanek will deliver the product to the buyer’s destination with insurance without any upfront payments of any kind. All instrument verbiage must be agreed upon and attached to the sales and purchase agreement.
The price is dependent on FCO/SPA, and the minimum quantity is 205 kg with a maximum quantity of 1300 kg.
Contract Duration: 12 months or 24 months.
The buyer pays 10% after inspection and testing at the seller’s location. Upon successful completion of product delivery, 90% of the full product value after buyer’s refinery assay certification of the product quality and weight.
The price is dependent on FCO/SPA, and the minimum quantity is 150 kg with a maximum quantity of 620 kg.
Contract Duration: 12 months or 24 months.
Sanek is the leading producer of gold in the country and leads the market in both gold production and sales. also export.
5-7 days for neighbouring countries and up to 7–14 days for countries with long distances.
当社のサービスまたは製品の支払いを行う際には、細心の注意を払うよう一般大衆に通知したいと思います。私たちは世界的に名声を博しており、そのため、無認可のブローカーやエージェントの中には、ウェスタン ユニオンの送金やその他の支払いエージェントを通じて支払いを要求することで、疑いを持たない潜在的な買い手や投資家を欺くために、当社の社名を使用する傾向があります。そのような方法で行われた支払いについて、当社は一切の責任を負わないものとします。
そのような顧客は、銀行口座の詳細を添付した払い戻し要求書を作成する必要があり、払い戻しの証拠とともに要求書を受け取ってから 72 時間以内に払い戻します。
Sanek Investments Ltd. は、1963 年会社法 (法律第 179 号) に基づいてガーナ登録局に登録された、西アフリカの上位 5 つの金生産国にある多くの小規模および大規模な金採掘会社の公式委任です。
Liberation Road, Airport, アクラ, ガーナ
モブ: +233 53 079 3351
電話番号: +233 53 074 6387